Affirming Peace in the Face of Fear, Conference Spiritual Retreat, Friday, August 19, 2016 9 AM - 3 PM

Imam Djafer Sebkhaoui
Imam Djafer Sebkhaoui
Father Mark Steed
Father Mark Steed

Exploring  the Path through Two Spiritual Traditions


This year's Kateri Conference retreat is structured to provide a deep spiritual centering as the ground for our efforts to understand more fully and confront more effectively the culture of fear, militarism and war engulfing our society. We also hope to develop an understanding that speaks to the commonality of our differing faith traditions, allowing retreat attendees to enjoy a day of  spiritual community,interacting with each other as cherished neighbors.  In that light, this year, we have invited retreat leaders from two different spiritual traditions to guide our day's journey. 

In the morning, Imam Djafer Sebkhaoui from the Al-Hidaya Islamic Center in Latham, NY will lead our reflections and discussion. Using the Quran and Sunnah as basis for his presentation, he will invite us as peace seekers to look at these sources of Muslim spiritual life as they guide us to contemplate the essentially harmonious relationship which exists between man and the universe. Against this background, Imam Djafer will share from this tradition techniques for purifying and strengthening the heart so that our work as peace makers can flow from personal peace of mind and heart. The morning will be structured as a combination of presentation, reflection and group discussion.

The second half of the day's journey will be guided by Father Mark Steed, OFM.  Father Mark, a Franciscan Priest and Chaplin/spiritual director of the National St. Kateri Tekakwitha Shrine, utilizing the teachings of Jesus and the Franciscan tradition and wisdom, will guide us to explore and reflect upon our human potential  to face fear with love, build empathetic and caring community and live in harmony with our natural surroundings. He too will employ a combination of presentation, reflection and group discussion.

The Retreat Schedule and retreat leader biograhpies follow below.  Lunch is included. The cost of the day is $35 and is deeply apppreciated.  All are welcome. No one is turned away for lack of money.  Please come!


Retreat Schedule

8:30 - 9:00 AM Registration - Coffee and Bagels

9:00 - 11:00 AM Imam Djafer Sebkhaoui

11:00 - 12:00 Quiet time for reflection and to explore the beauty of the Shrine

12:00 - 1:00 PM Lunch

1:00 - 2:30 PM Father Mark Steed 

2:30 PM Closing


Imam Djafer Sebkhaoui

Imam Djafer Sebkhaoui

Imam Djafer Sebkhaoui is the leader of the Muslim community of Troy (NY) since 1996 and is the current imam of Al-Hidaya Center in Latham (NY). He is also the founder of AnNur Islamic School in Schenectady, where he was acting principal until 2002.  

As a community leader, Imam Djafer continues to leave his mark in many aspects of community life. For example, he represents local Muslim college students through his current long-standing position as the Muslim Chaplain of the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute campus in Troy (NY). In addition, Imam Djafer represents Muslims in interfaith dialogues and activities, including through his memberships in the Interfaith Alliance of New York State as well as the Sidney and Beatrice Albert Interfaith Lectureship Program with the College of Saint Rose in Albany (NY).



Father Mark Steed

Father Mark Steed

Father Mark Steed, a Franciscan priest, has been the director of the National St. Kateri Shrine for over five years. Over the many years of  ministerial life he has worked with young men in formation, taught psychology and astronomy in college and directed a post graduate program in Spiritual Direction.  After the stay in the US he moved back to Canada to work in a center for ministers needing help to renew their spirit.  He also taught with the Jesuits, worked in several parishes both in Quebec and Ontario until asked to return to the USA to administer the Shrine of St. Kateri here in Fonda.

Over the years friar has been associated and lived with the first nations people in Canada and so his familiarity and appreciation of their tradition and culture brought him to this Shrine.  He has established a mission goal of "Peace and Healing" that represents the ideal of creation; that all life is sacred and the land, our planet is in our care not our control.  It is with this intent that friar Mark has sought to live his own life."

Recently a new  shrine director has been employed.  Father Mark is now the Chaplain and spiritual director of the National St. Kateri Tekakwitha Shrine.